Thursday 30 October 2014

Production Title: Photography          Assessor: Nicola Moule
Date: 05/11/2014                              Location: Liverpool Street / Tower of London / Stratford

Who is at risk?
Level of Risk
Control measure to be implemented

She could fall of the stage because of a liquid on the floor



Make sure the floor is completely dry with no objects to disrupt the performance on the artist

She could trip over the wirers from the camera and lighting



Tape down any wires that could cause a disruption to the performance

When we go outside we have to be careful when crossing roads if we have to

Artist and Crew


Look left and right before crossing the road




Someone could steal out equipment; we will have to keep it all secure when filming in an open area. We could get hurt for being in a struggle to get the equipment back

Could trip over undone laces


Make sure all shoe laces are tied up tight before filming




When providing lunch they should not be walking around when eating they could choke. To prevent this the crew should get aside half an hour to have some lunch in the middle of a filming day

Tripping over equipment


The actors and crew could possibly trip over the leg of the tri pod. To prevent this I will put a neon tape on the floor so the actors know where to not pass 

Friday 17 October 2014

Booking Form for Digital Video Equipment

Name: Nicola Moule

Year Group: 13

Type of Production: Photography Unit

Equipment needed (please change text colour to RED):

  • Video camera
  • Nikon DSLR                                                                                    
  • Green Screen
  • White screen
  • Lighting Equipment
  • Tripod                                                                       

When will you collect?: Monday

1.    Camera equipment can be borrowed for up to one week.
2.    Lighting can be borrowed for 24 hours only
3.    Ensure that footage is uploaded before return as all footage will be removed
4.    Office hours are Monday 3-3:30 and Thursday 3-3:30

Friday 10 October 2014

Shooting Schedule

September 13th 2014
Liverpool Street
September 23rd 2014
Liverpool Street 
October 1st 2014
Shadwell Basin
October 7th 2014
Shadwell Basin
October 15Th 2014
Shadwell Basin
October 20th 2014

Bishop Challoner Dark Room
Camera, tri pod, torch
October 29th 2014

Stratford Westfield Olympic Site
October 25th 2014
Tower Of London

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Stratford Practice

These are my photographs I took for the test shoot at Stratford Westfield Olympic Grounds. These photos came out pretty well for my first test shoot however I would have been better if the weather was sunnier. The good points about these photos are the rule of thirds I have used clearly in the first photo. This rule makes the photo more astatically appeasing to the eye of the audience. 

Monday 6 October 2014


These three photos are a prime example of what I did wrong on my first photo shot out for my Photography Unit. I should have taken the photo with the sun behind me and the camera. However I took the photo with the sun in front of the camera this is why you can’t see any of the buildings it’s only a silhouette with the bright sun beaming. 

Friday 3 October 2014

Manipulation in Photoshop Examples Of Work

Dark Room Minipulation

Here are some examples I have chosen to show how I have done manipulation from the dark room into photograph. The first step I did to achieve this was to use the enlarger in the dark room. I places different objects I thought would look good and made a negative of them. After this I then scanned the image into the computer and placed the photograph into Photoshop in the computer and used different tools. For example the paint bucket tool to make different places of the image different colours. I then inverted the images to make the black go white and vice versa. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Light Drawing

I wanted to experiment in the dark room with light, the first person to ever do light drawing was Picasso. I wanted to get the trails from the light, to get this effect I had to put the shutter speed very low (on ten). Then I put the Nikon camera on the tripod, and put the camera on a self-timer. The results demonstrates the principle that with slow shutter speed. Anything that moves will blur, but anything stationary in the photo will stay in focus. To get the different colour lights I placed different pieces of coloured plastic over the torch to create different colour lights in the photograph. 

Here are some examples of Picasso's light drawings; 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Shadwell Practice

These are the photographs I took for a test shoot in Shadwell Park, I think these photographs have come out very well as there is good lighting, good focus when using the camera as well as good positioning. One thing I can improve on for next time is the rule of the thirds. I can use this rule for thoroughly.