Monday 19 May 2014

Photography: Fine Art

Photography: Fine Art
What is fine art photography?

Fine art photography is photography created in agreement with the vision of the artist as photographer. Documentary visual account of specific subjects and events. Convey moods, emotions, ideas and themes that distinguish them as works of fine art. They make bold statements with colour and lighting.


Fine art photography is created primarily as an expression of the artist’s vision, but as a by-product it has also been important in advancing certain causes. Fine art photography is focused on the visual or inspiring value of an image regardless of any other worries. Therefore fine art photography tends to have subject substance that focuses on natural elements, human forms, landscape, architecture and even dramatic images dealt with subtly and in fine detail.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The arrangement/structure of the formal elements that make up this image that all the main focus is in the centre of the image. The main focus in this particular image is the children in the middle a boy on the crutches. The story behind this image seems to be many children who have been hurt, I get this impression because the walls around them seem to have fallen apart or even blow up from a war perhaps. Henri Cartier-Bresson has described himself as a photojournalist, a label probably no more misleading than any other available. This photograph is in black and white this could tell a story that maybe the photo was taken so long along they didn't have coloured ink to print or take the photograph in. This photograph seems to have some sort of movement been captured within the photograph. There is texture within this photograph by the fallen down walls surrounding the children in the center of the image, this creates a feel to the image not my sight but by touch.  The walls surrounding the children in the middle the photograph has done this on purpose to create a frame around, the photographer wants boundaries around the image and makes the children be the main focus of the photograph.

This photography is also taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson. The similarities within this work are that they all seem to be black and white with the rule of thirds that have been used where the stairs and the person on the bike is on the other side of the photograph. The angle that the photographer has taken this photo is a high angle this means the photographer could be possibly standing at the top of the staircase and angled the camera to the floor and taken the photo quickly because the person on the bike is moving from the right to the left on his bike. Henri has quickly captured this moment in a single shot. This photograph is also in a black and white filter as well as the photo above by Henri.

Ansel Adams

The composition used to take this image is the rule of space and reflection. The space has been used because there is nothing is in the photograph except the water and mountains. The rule of reflection is being used because there is a reflection of the Mountains on to the water. This is a landscape photograph taken by Ansel Adams. There is a depth to the photograph because some seems shallow because there is a lot of a space captured within one photograph.  There is a scene of texture within this photograph the subtleness of the water and the hardness of the mountains in the background.

The composition used to take this image is the rule of space. The space has been used because there is nothing is in the photograph except the mountains and the clouds. This is a landscape photograph taken by Ansel Adams. There is a depth to the photograph because some seems shallow because there is a lot of a space captured within one photograph.  There is a scene of texture within this photograph the subtleness of the clouds and the hardness of the mountains in the background. The similarities I see within Ansel Adams are that the photos seem to be also in black and white also the photos are normally taken of landscapes. There is a contrast between black and white there is white stone on the mountain with the dark mountains behind the the snow is a very high contracts on shades. There is a contract of the sun behind the clouds trying the get through the clouds.

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