Wednesday 10 September 2014

My Responses

Jiri Kolar
I have chosen Jiri Kolar create responses for as this photographer has intreaged me as the way he takes two photos and puts them together to make a montage to the eye. For my responses I have done three, two have been done with paper, I took a photo and printed them out of different colour paper and cut them up and struck them together. The third one I did on photoshop where I did not take these photos myself however I put them in photoshop and put them together using the crop tool on photoshop.  After 1953 Kolar drifted away from writing and began to focus on the graphic arts: ‘poetry of silence’. He adoption of less symbolic art forms outlined a clever strategizing. For example the Carloline De Riviere made in 1981
Here are some of my responses to his work, the first one I did on Photoshop, I did this by selecting two photographys. These are the two photographs I picked to become my first attempt to do my own reponse to his work. I did this by going in to photoshop and cropping both photos into little seprate strips and put them together to make one photo.

These next two photographs I created on paper I printed the same photo in different coloured paper and cut them up some in strips and some into smaller squares and stuck them together, this gives it a different twist onto Jiri Kolar


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