Friday 19 September 2014

Location: DARK ROOM

Who is at risk?
Level of Risk
Control measure to be implemented

When using or handling photographic processing solutions – particularly developers – avoid as far as possible any contact between the bare hands and solutions.

The person developing the photograph


Wear protective gloves if there is a possibility that such contact cannot be avoided

Wet floors are slip and fall hazard especially in a dark room.

The person in the dark room


Clean up after if you have spilt a liquid
Could have an allergic reaction to the chemicals, this can be caused if colour developed come into contact with the skin
 Person who is in the dark room developing the photographs
If this happens then rinse the affected parts straight away and thoroughly in running tap water.

In the dark you could easily walk into someone and hurt them

The person in the dark room

Walk slowly down the centre of the darkroom and let people know you are walking to which ever area either to go to the printer, enlarger or to leave. Do not run or be noisy otherwise people can’t hear you or someone will get hurt without seeing you.
Touching the chemicals in the dark room can make your skin irritated
The person developing the photo
Usually there is not any acute risk of commination by photo-chemicals. However if this does happen wash hands thoroughly with slightly acidic skin cleaner.

Always wash hands after using chemicals and before eating, drinking or smoking. Otherwise this could make you ill.

The person in the dark room


Wash hands

Could trip over undone laces

The person in the dark room

Make sure you wear sensible shoes and are done up before entering the dark room

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