Friday 19 September 2014


Who is at risk?
Level of Risk
Control measure to be implemented
Physical fatigue, aches and pains in joints and limbs with possible development of more serious long, term muscular-skeletal problems. These could arise from inadequate adjustment of workstations poor ergonomics and bad posture.
Position, height and layout of the workstation assessed and appropriate for the work can cause body strain and bad posture

Person on the computer


1.    Work station and equipment appropriate for individuals (size, reach etc. )
2.   Adjustable chair
3.    Position and height and layout of the workstation is appropriate for the work
4.   Supplementary equipment such as foot rests, document holders etc. Must be provided if needed.

Eyestrain and possible acute effects such as headaches caused by glare and long periods of close focus work. (There is no evidence that using a computer can cause permanent deterioration in the eyesight).

Person on the computer


Short, frequent pauses allowed for very intensive work.
Radiation, noise and dust do not present a significant risk to health. Radiation and noise levels are insignificant and dust emissions from well-maintained equipment and in well-ventilated offices is not a concern.

Person on the computer
If there is something noisy being played on the computer, lower the volume, and avoid using headphones at a high noise volume.
Lap top computers are not exempt from assessment procedures. laptops present a greater risk to the user if the computer is used for prolonged periods. Laptops should not be used as routine computers without the use of an appropriate docking station.

Person on the computer
Set a time schedule for when you use want to have a break from using the laptop. When having a break make sure you have a drink and a snack and rest your eyes.

Regular prolonged use of the keyboard and mouse may result in some people developing WRULDs such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

Person on the computer

Walk slowly down the center of the darkroom and let people know you are walking to which ever area either to go to the printer, enlarger or to leave. Do not run or be noisy otherwise people can’t hear you or someone will get hurt without seeing you.

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