Monday 1 September 2014

Describe different applications of photography


Advertising photography is used to sell an object for example a car, shower gel. It can be used to produce photographs used in magazine advertising, brochures, restaurant menus and business publications among many other uses. Therefore, advertising photography is only done when a request is received from a specific customer.
This type of photography will be presented in magazines and billboards where every day to day person will see.


An example of a past photographic image used in advertisement, is a 1890s advertising poster for the drink for Heinz ketchup showing a young boy putting the sauce on his hotdog.


Promotional something devised to publicise or advertise a product, cause and institution. Promotional photography is the use of photography to publicise and advertise. Photos we see on ads featuring clothes are all part of fashion photography.This type of photograph will be put in flyers and magazines for people will read and see to go away on holiday.


Fashion photography is a combination of two art forms, fashion and photography.  Fashion photography is artistically a focus on a subject the clothes. How you make the come to life in a photograph could easily demonstrate how good the photograph is. This type of photograph you see everywhere, magazines, social media, billboards. Fashion is a big part of the 20th century 


Fashion photography was one of the most used reasons for photography has been around for a very long time for example in the 1856 Adolph Braun published a book containing 288 photographs of Virginia Oldonini.


Photojournalism is a panel of journalism characterized by the use of images to tell a story. The images in a piece may be accompanied by explanatory text or shown independently, with the images themselves narrating the events they depict. Photojournalism will be stored in museums so that students or people who are interested in this type of photographs can go see a big room full of these photographs from the past.


Photojournalism is a practice of illustrating news stories with photographs was made possible by printing and photography innovations that accrued in the mid 19th century. Although early illustrations had appeared in newspapers, such as an illustration of the funeral of Lord Horatio Nelson in The Times (1806), the first weekly illustrated newspaper was the Illustrated London News, first printed in 1842. The illustrations were printed with the use of engravings.


Portrait photography is the art of capturing a subject (in this case, a person or a group of people) in which the face, facial features as well as facial expressions are made predominant.


Portrait photographs have been made since virtually the invention of the caerma. the relatively low cost of the dangurrotype in the middle of the 19th century and the reduced sitting time for the subject. Subjects were generally seated against plain backgrounds and lit with the soft light of an overhead window and whatever else could be reflected with mirrors. Advances in photographic equipment and techniques developed, and gave photographers the ability to capture images with shorter exposure times and the making of portraits outside the studio.


Architectural photography is a form of photography that encompasses the interior and exterior views of commercial, religious, engineering, institutional and domestic structures. It also embraces the development of cities and towns. This type of photography will be posted in flyers for housing agencies.


The first permanent photograph, View from the Window at Le Gras by Nicéphore Niépce, was also the first architectural photograph as it was a view of buildings. 


Medical photography is primarily used to record detailed and accurate images to assist clinicians in diagnosis and monitoring of patient conditions, disease and progress. With your specific consent they could also be used for teaching and research purposes.
These will be posted in the hospital flyers and magazines.


Illustration photography was first used ever in magazines, newsletters and on TV show readers. This is used for advertising a certain thing for example a select clothing, the promoters could either write the description and or have a wood-cut drawing done for reproduction in newspapers and magazine, this helps the promotion because the customer can actually see what the product looks like before purchasing in store. Illustration photography will be seen in old children stories.


The main processes used for reproduction of illustrations during the 16th and 17th centuries were engraving and etching. At the end of the 18th century, lithography allowed even better illustrations to be reproduced. The most notable illustrator of this epoch was William Blake who rendered his illustrations in the medium of relief etching.


Fine Art

Fine art is a form of photography where is a photograph has created in accordance with the vision of the artist as a photographer.
Fine art photography stands in contrast to representational photography


One photography historian claimed that "the earliest exponent of 'Fine Art' or composition photography was John Edwin Mayall, "who exhibited daguerrotypes illustrating the Lord's Prayer in 1851". Successful attempts to make fine art photography can be traced to Victorian era practitioners such as Julia Margaret CameronCharles Lutwidge Dodgson, andOscar Gustave Rejlander and others. In the U.S. F. Holland DayAlfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen were instrumental in making photography a fine art, and Steiglitz was especially notable in introducing it into museum collections.

·   Documentary

     Documentary photograph normally gets confused with journalism photograph, these are much similar however the form of photography can be used to chronicle both significant and historical events and everyday life.this is usually typically covered in professional photojournalism, or real life reports. 

     In the USA,photographers tracing the progress of the american civil war in 1861 - 1865 by photographers for at least three consortia of photographic publishing distributors, known as Mathew Brady and Alexander Gardner.

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