Wednesday 3 September 2014

Long Lens

 In photography another lens which is used is called a long-focus lens, this lens has a focal length that is longer than the diagonal measure of the film or sensor that receives its image. This lens is used to make a distant object appear magnified with magnification increasing as longer focal length lenses are used. This effect is similar to moving closer to the object, however is not the same. Two images taken from the same location, one with a wide angle lens and the other with a long-focus lens, will show identical perspective, in that near and far objects appear the same relative size to each other. This lens is one of the three most basic photographic lens types. The most common type of long focus lens which is the telephoto lens. The long lens also makes it easier to blue the background more, even when the depth of field is the same. Photographers will sometimes use this effect to defocus the background on an image to “spate” it form the subject. Having the background blurred is often referred to as a” brokeh” by photographers.

here are some example of the long lens in action and what the lens looks like in comparison to other lens" 

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